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GERD and Chiropractic Treatment

GERD and Chiropractic Treatment

When an individual decides to seek out chiropractic care, it’s typically for musculoskeletal (MSK) complaints such as low back and neck pain, headaches, and/or shoulder/hip/wrist/knee problems. However, there is a growing body of evidence that some services offered by doctors of chiropractic can provide some benefit to patients with ailments that do not fall into [..]

Chiropractic Treatment for the Post-Back Surgery Patient

Chiropractic Treatment for the Post-Back Surgery Patient

Chiropractic care is a great conservative treatment option for the low back pain patient. While many patients visit a chiropractor to avoid progressing to surgery, there are individuals with a history of back pain who did opt for surgery but continue to experience pain and disability. Can a doctor of chiropractic help the post-surgery low [..]

Neurological Sensing of the Mechanics of Position and Movement

Neurological Sensing of the Mechanics of Position and Movement

Historical Context Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor, and businessman. He was born in 1833 and died in 1896. He held 355 patents in his lifetime, the most notorious of which was for dynamite. Dynamite used the explosive power of nitroglycerin. Nobel patented dynamite in 1867. Nobel amassed a fortune during his [..]

Whiplash Challenges & Chiropractic Care

Whiplash Challenges & Chiropractic Care

The term whiplash refers to a sudden forward (acceleration) and backward (deceleration) movement that results in hyperextension of the cervical spine. This process can injure the various soft tissues in proximity of the neck, which can lead to a wide collection of symptoms that fall under the umbrella term whiplash associated disorders (WAD). While this [..]

Chiropractic Care AFTER Knee Replacement

Chiropractic Care AFTER Knee Replacement

Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is the most performed operating room procedure in the United States, and the number of surgeries is projected to increase by 400% (to 3.5 million a year) in the next twenty years due to prolonged longevity, the rise in obesity, and increasing rates of osteoarthritis. The surgery itself traumatizes the surrounding [..]

Manual Therapy or Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Manual Therapy or Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Surgery to address carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common upper limb orthopedic surgery in the United States with annual costs estimated in excess of $2 billion. In western countries, the waitlist for such a procedure is often greater than five months, and the demand is expected to double in the coming decades. This [..]

Cervicogenic Headache Treatment Strategies

Cervicogenic Headache Treatment Strategies

Cervicogenic headache is defined as a headache caused by a cervical spine disorder. This type of headache is estimated to account for up to 20% of headache cases. The primary features of cervicogenic headache usually include unilateral head pain (one side only), limited neck range of motion, and are triggered by various awkward or sustained [..]

Gout: A Short Summary

Gout: A Short Summary

Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that causes pain and swelling in the joints. While it is mostly associated with the base of the big toe joint, gout can affect the knees, ankles, foot, hand, wrist, and elbow. The condition typically occurs earlier and three times more common in men than in women. For [..]

Hip Stretching and Core Strengthening for Low Back Pain

Hip Stretching and Core Strengthening for Low Back Pain

When it comes to the low back pain patient, it’s common for the muscles that attach to the hip and pelvis (hamstrings, psoas, piriformis, and tensor fasciae latae) to be overly active or tight, while at the same time, the core muscles are deconditioned and weak. When it comes to managing low back pain, should [..]

Mid-Back Strengthening for Neck Pain

Mid-Back Strengthening for Neck Pain

In normal posture, the center of the shoulder joints should be vertically in line with the mastoid processes (the part of the skull just behind the ears). Unfortunately, excessive device use can lead to forward head posture where the head rests forward of the shoulders, which can lead to a condition called upper cross syndrome [..]

The Chiropractic Management of Discogenic Compressive Radicular Sciatica
The Challenge of Whiplash-Associated Vertigo

The Challenge of Whiplash-Associated Vertigo

In addition to more common symptoms like neck pain and stiffness, the whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) patient may also experience vertigo or dizziness. However, the link between vertigo and WAD is somewhat controversial. In 2021, a team of international researchers published a meta-analysis (a review of previously published studies) entitled “The Enduring Controversy of Cervicogenic Vertigo, [..]